Free Affiliate Marketing Software

13 Free Affiliate Marketing Software to Get Started (2025)

Affiliate Marketing is a buzz word for online money earners!

Now a days more or less every renowned eCommerce store is equipped with its own affiliate marketing functionality which helps them to grow faster with little expense. In addition, there are hundreds of affiliate networks that are ready to onboard new marketing armies.

However, affiliate marketing does not come in cheap because one needs to invest in servers, landing page builders, link trackers, spying tools, copywriting tools, plugins and so on. This huge pile of investment acts as a barrier for new affiliate marketers with zero to little investment.

This article aims to break that barrier by introducing some of the free affiliate marketing software that anyone can use to hold the steering of affiliate marketing. These free tools are not sequenced based on quality or need, every single tool has its own purpose to make your marketing journey easier. So, make sure you are having a deep look at each of these free affiliate marketing tools.

1. BeMob

Tracking conversion rate and doing enough split test is the key to success in affiliate marketing especially if you are on paid traffic. There are many high end affiliate link trackers but those costs from $50 to several thousand per month which is expensive for a new affiliate marketer. This is where Bemob comes in which cost $499 per month for an enterprise plan. Worried? Don’t be.

Though Bemob is also a high end premium tracking software fortunately it has a free plan that can track up to 100,000 events per month. This free plan is more than enough for a marketer who is just getting started.

2. NicePage

Conversion rate highly depends on the bridge between the traffic source and the offer. Though this bridge can be anything from a video on YouTube to a physical conference event, people mostly use a landing page as the bridge which works well and easy to set up. However, most of the landing page builders will charge from $20 to $500 per month but NicePage can be your friendly companion which has over 7,000 templates that can be used directly or by editing. NicePage offers a free plan on both desktop based page builder and online page builder that comes with free hosting.

3. WhereGoes

Most of the affiliate links are country or even city specific. Hence to reduce the number of spam and useless traffic most of the high end affiliate marketers redirects the traffic that is not intended to visit the landing page which saves the server resources. If you are trying to find out end offer by clicking a link, you might not reach the actual end offer due to such traffic redirection and blocking. WhereGoes can help you to spy on the link and to reach the end URL that a real buyer might find by clicking the affiliate link.


This might be the most interesting one! In order to collect emails, we need to have a lead magnet which can be an e-book, mini-course, tool or whatever that insist the potential buyers to claim in exchange for an Email address. In most cases, we need to spend $100-$500 just to get an e-book written by a professional writer. IDPLR is a massive source of such e-books, video course, tools, media assets, software etc. that you can use for free as your own lead magnet. So grab a free PLR product and start collecting email for massive profit.

5. Sharethrough Headlines


It says that headlines are being read 8 times more than the article itself. That’s why you must have an attention grabbing title that will entice people to take action. It’s tough to measure how a title would perform in front of the real audience. To solve that issue you have Sharethrough Headlines which will analyze the title and give you a score along with suggestions to improve it. That’s how you can have an effective headline that will convert very well.

6. Hemingway App

You got an amazing solution for an engaging headline but what about the content itself? That’s where Hemingway App comes into the play. This online based text analyzing tool will help you to make your content error free and easier to read. There are many high end tools like Grammarly that can make your content almost perfect but costs too much for a newbie affiliate marketer. This free tool might help you to fix your content to get more affiliate sales.

7. Canva

A photo says thousands of words – This is very true specially for the digital world. Your headlines and contents need powerful visual elements to get initial attention and to express your information instantly. Canva is a web based graphics editing tool which is already used by millions of marketers, designers, bloggers and so on. You can hop into the free version of Canva and start designing eye catchy visuals for your affiliate landing pages or blog posts.

8. Facebook Ads Library

Knowing what works is the best way to get started especially when you are on a tight budget for running paid ad campaigns. There are many ad spy tools that work great but breaks bank! In addition, those 3rd party ads tracking software might miss ads that are off the grid. What about if Facebook itself reveals the ads and most importantly completely free of cost. Yes, Facebook did it and named it Facebook Ads Library. Give a visit and search for your niche or specific product to see the ads and the engagement on each ad copy.

9. Funnelytics

Here comes the most important and integral part of affiliate marketing which is designing an effective funnel that can make or break the campaign. People are charging over $10,000 for designing a complete funnel that will generate sale and that’s how funnel became the most expensive part of affiliate marketing world. There is high end funnel builder like Clickfunnels and at the same time you can make a funnel with a free page builder but the difference is conversion rate.

Here you can use the free version of Funnelytics to design your funnel and analyze how it will perform. After that, you can build it with any tool based on your preference. I might say, this is the most important free affiliate marketing software of this list that has the most value in it.

10. Mailchimp

Email marketing is a common medium of marketing for affiliate marketers which still works well if can be used in the right way. Though hundreds of Email marketing software are out there, all of them do not perform well. Remember, Email marketing seems easy but it has some crucial issues such as delivery rate, IP reputation, spam score and more. Hence, you need to make sure you are with the right company to get the maximum result out of your Email list.

MailChimp is one of the leading company that works really well for affiliate marketers and has a free plan to send mails to 2,000 people every month. It also comes with creative assistant, web page builder, form builder, landing page builder and more.

11. Pexels

Images are very important to express the emotion, feeling or even information in the shortest possible way. Pexels will provide you millions of royalty free images and videos that you can use on your landing page, blog post, email template and so on. Apart from Pexels you can also get your stock images and video from Pixabay or Unsplash. However, make sure you are providing credit whenever it’s possible.

12. CBsnooper

Clickbank is a massive network with thousands of offers to promote. When a new affiliate marketer gets into the network he/she might get confused with what to promote and end up promoting worthless or highly competitive products. This may lead to loss of money and time as well as motivation to become an affiliate marketer. CBsnooper is a data-driven software to show you insights of Clickbank based affiliate offers. You can easily decide which product to promote and which one to avoid.

13. MunchEye

It says the sooner you start, the more chances you have. The same thing goes for affiliate marketing too. The sooner you start promoting a product the more chances you have to get sales. Not many marketers are promoting new untested products which is keeping you ahead of the competitors. MunchEye is a offer lunching board that will inform you about the upcoming offers, release date, offer owner and little bit insight about the offer itself. This is how you can decide and start promoting a product before the niche gets too saturated with other competitors.

Affiliate marketing might be an expensive career due to the tools you need to purchase and thus new marketers are legging behind the game. Hope my this list of free affiliate marketing software and resources might help you to hold the grip and move on with out even paying a dime.

If I missed any awesome and free affiliate marketing tool, then please do inform me via comment or Email. I will be happy to include that in my list by giving proper credit. For now, spread this piece of resource to other struggling affiliate marketers and let’s grow together.

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